• Your passion is laying dormant as you clock in day-after-day to your 9-5.
  • You have so much to give, but no way to express your true calling.
  • You are stuck doing "the sensible thing" while you crave real meaning in your day-to-day experience.
  • You feel like your talents are wasting away and that you lack purpose.

This could be the moment when everything changes for you.



You will get immediate 24/6 online access to each downloadable Master Class, including notes and homework, giving you everything you need to implement these powerful techniques into your life quickly and easily. Each week you'll receive a new master class beginning today.

Module 1

Finding Your Why: The Motivation Within

Let’s discover not just what you’re meant to do in the world, but more importantly why you’re going to do it. We’ll pinpoint your genius and go-to gifts that people need from you. You’ll recognize the areas where you shine the most, acknowledge any limiting beliefs you’re up against, and find the powerful inner motivator, which will carry you through your entrepreneurial journey with joy, confidence and serenity. 


Module 2

What Is Possible: Let’s Find Your Business Model & Create Your First Offer

We’ll clarify the distinction between a hobby and a business. We’ll learn the different business models and pick one that resonates the most with you so that you can generate revenue easier and faster than you think. We will learn to gain clarity by doing instead of by thinking. We’ll learn to commit to that which is possible instead of that which is perfect. We will craft your first offer, focusing on the problem that you’re solving and who you’re creating this offer for.

Module 3

The Art of Visibility: Attract & Nurture Your Tribe

Learn to nurture and organically grow an engaged community. Learn the different ways to be visible; how to be visible in ways that feel authentic to you and align with your why. We will learn what it takes for visibility to be effective at attracting, nurturing and selling to your ideal clients. Learn the art of storytelling so that it turns into “storyselling” without you even knowing you’re selling. 

Module 4

Pricing and Monetizing Your Offer

We will learn to fine tune your offer so that you can add the most value and command your price. We will learn how to set a price and more importantly, get past any fear or resistance from charging your price.

Module 5

How to Amplify Your Voice and Establish Authority

We will learn the different ways to amplify your voice, establish authority, and grow your audience, so that you can serve the world in a bigger and better way, make more money, and enjoy every minute of it. 

Module 6

Managing the Money!

Learn how to make your business profitable from day 1! We will learn how to manage the revenue that will start coming in from your business - yes, you now have a business - so that you’re profitable from day 1. Through this method you will be able to scale the business, avoid potential money leaks, while at the same time, pay yourself and add income to your family. 

Plus 2 LIVE Question and Answer Sessions

Troubleshoot with Yael through any challenges you encounter or questions you have as you launch

your business journey.

July 11 and August 2

at 12 pm Eastern / 7 pm Israel Time


Bonus LIVE class: Bringing Bitachon Into Your Business

Direct Whatsapp Support through a Jewish Money Makeover

Whatsapp Group



By joining today you will get:

  • 6 master classes delivered weekly to your inbox
  • Two LIVE Question and Answer sessions
  • Bonus #1 Bringing Bitachon into Your Business
  • Bonus #2 Direct Whatsapp Support through a Whatsapp Group
  • Charts and homework for immediate application
  • Personal membership area where all of your materials and classes will be accessible 24/6



By joining today you will get:

  • 6 master classes delivered weekly to your inbox
  • Two LIVE Question and Answer sessions
  • Bonus #1 Bringing Bitachon into Your Business
  • Bonus #2 Direct Whatsapp Support through a Whatsapp Group
  • Charts and homework for immediate application
  • Personal membership area where all of your materials and classes will be accessible 24/6

Meet Yael.

Yael Trusch, MBA, is a Money Coach, and Hosts the award-winning podcast: Jewish Money Matters. Her signature online course G-d Wants You To Be Rich has transformed the lives of countless Jewish women and couples across the globe.

Dubbed as “The Jewish Oprah,” Yael is a sought after speaker who captivates and empowers women with her honest, relatable, and profoundly Jewish approach to money and life. Yael’s prolific appearances include memorable speeches at the Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) National Jewish Retreat, Momentum, Wizo, Hadassa, as well as JCC’s and Chabad Houses around the world. Yael is a regular contributor for Chabad.org, Aish.com, and the Jewish Herald Voice. Her Jewish financial insights have also been featured in mainstream publications such as Real Simple Magazine, The Independent, and numerous other publications and podcasts. 

Yael earned her bachelors in Economics and International Relations from Tufts University, and MBA from NYU.  She is a native of Puerto Rico but has lived and worked abroad in multiple locations such as: Shanghai, China; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Santiago, Chile; Jerusalem, Israel; and several US metros from Manhattan to Miami.  Yael currently resides in Houston, Texas, with her husband and four children. 


"This is only some of what I’ve accomplished during and since the program - My credit score increased 100 points, I’ve paid down over $5,000 in debt. I’m debt-free, except for my student loans. I landed a job that I absolutely love with much better pay and benefits. But, all of this was possible because my entire relationship with money has changed due to this program. I’m excited about my financial future and all thanks to you."

- Barbara

"At the beginning of the program I told Yael, ‘I want to be free.’ And I can tell you, I really feel free! I feel free about money. I don’t have fears about spending any more. Also, I can talk to my husband - a big change in my life. So, not only did I change thanks to this program, but my relationship with my husband did, too. It’s amazing now. We finally achieved the level of giving that I always wanted."

- Diana

"I was scared to look at my numbers. I have no fear now. While I used to live with a knot in my stomach, I can say that now I’m confident. This program really helped me connect with G-d, with His abundance and made me realize it’s really ok to ask Him for money."

- Stephanie


You have a purpose, something you're passionate about, but the road to bringing your purpose out into the open and creating an actual business out of it seems so daunting. Until now that is...
Yael has developed a system that breaks down step-by-stop how you can begin with an idea and transform it into an actual business. This proven system leaves no stone unturned, from conception, through marketing and all the way to your first sales.


Every class recording is available inside your unique platform, where you will get access to the class’ video, audio, and transcripts so you can access the material in any way that suits your lifestyle - for life. You’ll also have access to all the class materials designed for you to solidify and implement the learning.



By joining today you will get:

  • 6 master classes delivered weekly to your inbox
  • Two LIVE Question and Answer sessions
  • Bonus #1 Bringing Bitachon into Your Business
  • Bonus #2 Direct Whatsapp Support through a Whatsapp Group
  • Charts and homework for immediate application
  • Personal membership area where all of your materials and classes will be accessible 24/6



By joining today you will get:

  • 6 master classes delivered weekly to your inbox
  • Two LIVE Question and Answer sessions
  • Bonus #1 Bringing Bitachon into Your Business
  • Bonus #2 Direct Whatsapp Support through a Whatsapp Group
  • Charts and homework for immediate application
  • Personal membership area where all of your materials and classes will be accessible 24/6