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I have been in 'Kesher Wife' for about 18 months. (My only regret is that I wasn't in it from its inception - but Hashem knows what he is doing.) I have grown from every series you have done. I am a different person than I was before joining Kesher Wife, and I will never be able to express the depth of my gratitude to you.
-Kesher Wife Community Member
Many choose to wait until their marriage is on the rocks or has been stale for years before seeking marriage assistance. But what about BEFORE a marriage gets to that point, or marriages that are fine? This system not only teaches the skills to transform marriages in conflict, but also to help good marriages soar to become great marriages thereby building up the skills to effectively handle any challenges that may arise down the road.
These methods are based on Sara Yoheved Rigler's many years of intense study with teachers like Rebbetzin Chaya Sara Kramer, Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottlieb (Heller), Rabbi Leib Keleman, etc. Much of the groundwork for these teachings can be found in her books, Holy Woman, Battle Plans and Emunah with Love and Chicken Soup: The Story of Rebbetzin Henny Machlis, as well as the teachings of Rabbi Wolbe z"l and many other scholarly works. She leaves no stone unturned in seeking spiritual solutions to the biggest challenges facing marriages today.
"My marriage completely turned around. It has a quality to it that I always wanted but didn't know how to attain."
"AMAZING! Deserves to be required for every woman the moment after Shana Rishona and if that is "rocky", asap!"
"Kesher Wife saved my marriage."
Answers to some of the commonly asked questions regarding the Kesher Wife teachings
Whether or not you listen to the classes and do the homework right away or space it out to accommodate your busy schedule, by joining the Kesher Wife System you are making a statement to yourself: "My marriage is the most important thing in my life."
All of us have periods when we are too busy to focus on our spiritual lives. All of us have low periods when we simply don't have the energy to work on ourselves. But the reality is that YOU ARE MARRIED.
Every day you must interact with your husband. And, as Rav Dessler taught, every choice brings you toward the light or further away from the light. There is no standing still.
There are many things you can delay or choose to not work on: losing weight, starting an exercise regime, getting that degree, etc. But your marriage is your reality every day, so why not make it a great marriage?