After Mom Burnout

with Ilyssa Bass, PhD


Restore your connection to the source of energy so you no longer feel drained and depleted


May 15, 2024 // 1pm Eastern/ 8pm Israel


Behind every parent’s greatest struggle is her greatest strength..

- Dr. Ilyssa Bass-

Restore Your Vibrance

Find balance between what you project as a mother and your internal emotional and spiritual needs

Discover the practical methods to reveal an actualized and energized version of yourself rather than struggling just to make it through the day

Remember what it feels like to approach things with serenity rather than resorting to yelling in an attempt to gain order

Create a peaceful interior that reflects your exterior rather than trying to hold a facade of peacefulness that is liable to crack at any moment

Regain hope in your ability to restore your vibrancy no matter how long you have been hovering in a state of overwhelm and burnout

Restore Your Vibrance After Mom Burnout by Registering Now!


None of us have to walk this journey alone

- Dr. Ilyssa Bass -

Ilyssa Bass, PhD

Hey there, I’m Ilyssa.

Nice to meet you!

I‘m a Psychologist and Parent Educator. But my greatest achievement and most important credential is my five unique and wonderful kids.

I believe behind every parent’s greatest struggle is her greatest strength. I’m passionate about helping parents uncover those strengths and connect to their children.

After training as a clinical psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara and studying developmental psychology at Stanford University I thought I was super prepared to be a mommy. Little did I know….

My personal journey as the parent of a child with multiple hidden differences has given me deep compassion for parents. I know what it feels like to raise a child that popular parenting books are just not written for.


“Whenever I have a need for professional advice that requires expertise, erudition and compassion I turn to Dr. Bass."

- Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottlieb (Heller)

“You will find a wealth of wisdom, guidance and support in her approachable and compassionate teaching style.”

-Rebbetzin Dina Scoonamaker, Speaker, Parent Educator,  and Mother of 7

“I’m not overwhelmed anymore. I have a plan."

- Bracha, Canada, Mother of 5 

Rewriting your experience as a Mom all comes down to one decisive moment ...

Your Moment is NOW